We offer high quality Cantonese translation services through which your company can have all its documents translated in the shortest possible time. In business ‘time is the essence’. Fast delivery to customers makes a strong impact on their minds. However, as a foreign company doing business in Hong Kong you need the services of a fast and efficient translator for various business activities. Look into our services to get such translation activities done quickly and efficiently.

Leading Hong Kong Translation Company


We manage various loads of translation activities, giving fast and accurate output for every client. The result of using our services is cost effective translation that can be put to immediate use in completing business activities such as the signing of a contract, trade agreement, invoicing and much more. 

Our Hong Kong translation company can do translation for the following:

  • Legal documents
  • User manual, hand books and guides
  • Business reports and financial documents
  • Business proposal documents and contracts
  • Press releases and other marketing materials

What Kind Of Translation Services Do We Offer?

We have in place an effective workflow that helps us carry out translation in a meticulous way. It is the foundation that has helped us undertake various translation projects successfully. After the translation is completed, editors check it for grammar, spelling, language, style, accuracy and other such important parameters. If you have been searching for a reliable translation company in hong kong, look into our translation services. We understand the working of your business environment and provide assistance accordingly. Our in-depth experience enables us to provide translation that is unmatched in the industry. 

Impress Clients With Our Services

When you want to impress a prospect with information about your company, you need a personal touch. Communicating in English will not get desired results. You need to show them information about your products or service in Cantonese. This will make a huge impact and bring out the benefits of your products or services very easily. Our translation services can convert various types of marketing material such as PowerPoint slides, Brochures, PDF, whitepapers and much more, thus giving detailed information to prospects in the vernacular, which will give them in-depth information about what your company is offering and how it will benefit them. It is a step at getting closer to them and turning them into customers. 

Our Hong Kong translation agency can perform translation rapidly so that you can meet your business demands. We will work closely with your staff to develop cost effective Cantonese translation solutions that addresses your business needs and through which you can effectively reach out to your markets. 

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Document Translation Service


Tel: (852) 3008 5800 - 811

Email:  document@ctctranslate.hk


Website Localization Service 


Tel:  (852) 3008 5800 - 815

Email: website@ctctranslate.hk


DTP Service


Tel: (852) 3008 5800 - 820

Email: dtp@ctctranslate.hk

Service Center